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You're viewing Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge Cheat Codes

Game Name : Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-11-06 05:02:54
Views : 22495

Continue screen bonuses
After losing your lives and the continue screen appears, try to stop the timer at the following times to get the corresponding bonus:

7.77: 500 souls
6.66: Single blinking pumpkin, no souls lost, but no full health
0.01: 500 souls, Crystal Bottles, Blue Souls, and Red Souls refilled (if you have a Gold Pumpkin)

Unlock PJs Jack
Beat the game once

Alternate costumes
To change costumes, enter Jack's closet in his house.

Unlock Thespian Jack
Get an "A" rank on all levels

Unlock Dancing Jack
Beat the game once

Unlock Pumpkin King
Beat the spider boss

Level select
Press [L1], [L2], [L1], [L2], (L3], [R1], [R2], [R1], [R2], (R3] at the title screen.

Unlock Santa Jack
Beat the Docter

Unlock Phantom Jack
Get an "S" rank on all levels and do both secret chapters

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Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Xmas : Oogie's Revenge Cheat Codes at Game Score

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